How to be happy. Simplified.


Choose the bigger life.

(happy) friends & (haute) costumes = memories made in Denver

It’s been a busy week for travel. Monday was Halloween in Denver with my clients who I’m blessed to have as some of my closest friends.  Getting to see the young guys in school dressed up in their costumes– a triceratops and a vampire was beyond adorable.  There was a parade for all the students and then parties in the classroom.  It was a beautiful warm and sunny day in Denver with clear blue skies just after a snowfall.

The evening was spent trick or treating in the neighborhood.

Check out the Kia Soul Hamsters! Clever.

Get this…my friends dressed up as Milli Vanilli! It was hilarious to see their kids 6 and 4 years old looking up old pictures with me on the iPhone and them asking who exactly Milli Vanilli was and why their parents were going to wear dreadlocked wigs!

It’s days like this that make me happy.  I think about how fast the kids have grown up and that I’m so glad to experience Halloween 2011 with them.  Gretchen Rubin, author of The Happiness Project says it best,

The days are long, but the years are short.

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